Bond University Hand Therapy and Physiotherapy

8 April 2019

Big week at Active Hand Therapy taking the Bond University Occupational Therapy students and the Physiotherapy students though their splinting courses. Our director David Coles, has been running these courses, in conjunction with the Universities, for a number of years now. This year the Physios wanted a piece of the action. 

All the workshops were held in our Southport Clinic which has a large open plan workshop space. The full day workshops this week were provided by Bond University and run by our director, David Coles. He covers topics such as:

- Biomechanical Dysfunction

- Range of Motion 

- Splinting - theory and practical

- Wound and Scar Management

- Tissue Healing

- Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis

- Functional Capacity 

- Oedema Management 

- Hand Therapy as a specialty

The clinics were still full of patients, giving the students a great taste of working life as a Hand Therapist. All the students were engaged with the practical applications. Running a physiotherapy course this year was a great nod to our commitment to the multidisciplinary team. 

If you are interested in attending a course or would like to book a group please contact We have purpose built therapy stations that allow students to work in groups or individually while the lecturer can view and support. We also have full conference facilities and refreshment rooms available. 

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